· 3 min read

Links für Rails 3

Unsere Beiträge:

  1. Screencast: Rails 3 Beta und RVM: http://www.rubyonrails.de/2010/02/screencast-rails-3-beta-und-rvm/
  2. Rails 3.0 Beta veröffentlicht: http://www.rubyonrails.de/2010/02/rails-3-0-beta-veroffentlicht/
  3. Update auf Rails 3 in 25 Minuten: http://www.rubyonrails.de/2010/02/update-auf-rails-3-in-25-minuten/
  4. Artikel zu Rails 3: http://www.rubyonrails.de/2010/01/artikel-zu-rails-3/
  5. Routes in Rails 3: http://www.rubyonrails.de/2009/12/routes-in-rails-3/
  6. Buch: Beginning Rails 3: http://www.rubyonrails.de/2009/11/beginning-rails-3/

Einführungen zu Rails 3:

  1. Rails 3 Introduction: http://omgbloglol.com/post/344792822/the-path-to-rails-3-introduction
  2. The Path to Rails 3: Greenfielding New Apps With The Rails 3 Beta: http://omgbloglol.com/post/371893012/the-path-to-rails-3-greenfielding-new-apps-with-the
  3. http://railsplugins.org/
  4. How To Install Rails 3.0 Beta: http://www.rubyinside.com/how-to-install-rails-3-0-prerelease-beta-2955.html

Rails 3 Tutorials und Blog Posts:

  1. Rails Guide
  2. Edging your way towards Ruby 1.9.1 and Rails 3.0pre
  3. Unobtrusive JavaScript in Rails 3 by Zach Carter
  4. A Fresh Cup: Seed Data in Rails 3 tutorial – feature summary + code example by Mike Gunderloy.
  5. Rails3: Stepping off of the golden path slides by Matt Aimonetti
  6. Rails Magazine – RailsConf 2009 Edition page 5 has a section called The Unofficial Guide to What’s New in Rails 3 by Rupak Ganguly
  7. Jason Ting’s RailsConf 2009 Notes includes some basic notes about Rails 3
  8. Noel Rappin: Railsconf 09 – After the RailsConfening article
  9. Yehuda Katz: Railsconf Wrapup blog – contains links to jQuery talk by Katz at RailsConf 09
  10. How to Begin Playing With Rails 3 by Oscar Del Ben
  11. My Five Favorite Things About Rails 3 by Yehuda Katz
  12. Rails 3: The Great Decoupling by Yehuda Katz
  13. Rails Edge Architecture by Yehuda Katz
  14. How to Build Sinatra on Rails 3 by Yehuda Katz

Update und Vorbereitung bestehender Applikationen

  1. rails_upgrade Plugin: http://github.com/rails/rails_upgrade
  2. 5 Things You Can Do Today to Make Your App Ready for Rails 3: http://www.enlightsolutions.com/articles/five-ways-to-prepare-your-application-for-ruby-on-rails-3-today/
  3. Rails 3 Ready Plugins: http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/version3/plugins_and_gems
  4. How to upgrade plugins to Rails 3.0: http://boldr.net/upgrade-plugins-gems-rails-3/

Rails 3 Präsentationen und Mitschnitte von Konferenzen

  1. Yehuda: What to Expect in Rails 3.0 webcast recording
  2. Scotland on Rails: Yehuda on Rails & Merb Merge video. For more Scotland on Rails videos, check out this Ruby Inside post.
  3. Yehuda Katz on Rails 3 and beyond interview by Mark Coleman
  4. RailsConf: Yehuda – The Russian Doll Pattern video
  5. RailsConf 09: DHH Keynote video – DHH previews unobtrusive javascript, default escaping & more.
  6. Exploring Rails 3 Free Online Conference

Bücher zu Rails 3

  1. Rails Guide
  2. Rails 3 in Action by Yehuda Katz and Mike Gunderloy. Currently available is their Early Access Edition, which gives you access to chapters as they are written.
  3. Beginning Rails 3 by Jeffrey Allan Hardy , Cloves Carneiro Jr. & Rida Al Barazi
  4. Changes in Rails 3.0 for Agile Web Development with Rails Edition 3

Rails 3 Komponenten und Bibliotheken:

  1. ActiveModel: Make Any Ruby Object Feel Like ActiveRecord: http://yehudakatz.com/2010/01/10/activemodel-make-any-ruby-object-feel-like-activerecord/
  2. New ActionMailer API in Rails 3.0: http://lindsaar.net/2010/1/26/new-actionmailer-api-in-rails-3
  3. Generic Actions in Rails 3: http://yehudakatz.com/2009/12/20/generic-actions-in-rails-3/
  4. Active Record Query Interface 3.0: http://m.onkey.org/2010/1/22/active-record-query-interface
  5. Validations in Rails 3.0: http://lindsaar.net/2010/1/31/validates_rails_3_awesome_is_true
  6. Render Options in Rails 3: http://www.engineyard.com/blog/2010/render-options-in-rails-3/
  7. Rails3_DataMapper: http://github.com/dkubb/rails3_datamapper
  8. Rails 3 I18N Changes: http://blog.plataformatec.com.br/2010/02/rails-3-i18n-changes/
  9. Making Generators for Rails 3 With Thor: http://caffeinedd.com/guides/331-making-generators-for-rails-3-with-thor
  10. The Rails Module: http://litanyagainstfear.com/blog/2010/02/03/the-rails-module/

Weitere Rails 3 Beiträge

  1. Internet News: Rails 3 Gets Supersized With Merb
  2. Extending Rails 3 Video
  3. eWeek: Rubyists Unite Ruby on Rails and Merb to Merge in Rails 3
  4. CIO: Rails 3 to add security enhancement
  5. Signed and Permanent Cookies in Rails 3
  6. Yehuda Katz: Rails and Merb Merge
  7. Let Your SQL Growl in Rails 3.0
  8. RubyOnRails.org: Rails + Merb Merge Announcement
  9. How to Install Rails 3.0 Beta on Ubuntu Linux
  10. Webbynode Gets Rails 3 Support for Rapid Deployment
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