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Update Rails 2.0.2
Sqlite3 ist nun die Standard-DB, wenn eine Rails Applikation erstellt wird und im Production-Environment ist ein weiterer Paramter hinzugekommen, der das nach Nachladen der Views steuert: config/environments/production.rb: config.action_view.cache_template_loading = true
Dies ist die Liste der sonstigen Ă„nderungen:
Action Pack
Added delete_via_redirect and put_via_redirect to integration testing #10497 [philodespotos]
Allow headers[‘Accept’] to be set by hand when calling xml_http_request #10461 [BMorearty]
Added OPTIONS to list of default accepted HTTP methods #10449 [holoway]
Added option to pass proc to ActionController::Base.asset_host for maximum configurability #10521 [chuyeow]. Example:
ActionController::Base.asset_host = Proc.new { |source| if source.starts_with?(’/images’) “http://images.example.com” else “http://assets.example.com” end }
Fixed that ActionView#file_exists? would be incorrect if @first_render is set #10569 [dbussink]
Added that Array#to_param calls to_param on all it’s elements #10473 [brandon]
Ensure asset cache directories are automatically created. #10337 [Josh Peek, Cheah Chu Yeow]
render :xml and :json preserve custom content types. #10388 [jmettraux, Cheah Chu Yeow]
Refactor Action View template handlers. #10437, #10455 [Josh Peek]
Fix DoubleRenderError message and leave out mention of returning false from filters. Closes #10380 [Frederick Cheung]
Clean up some cruft around ActionController::Base#head. Closes #10417 [ssoroka]
Active Record
Ensure optimistic locking handles nil #lock_version values properly. Closes #10510 [rick]
Make the Fixtures Test::Unit enhancements more supporting for double-loaded test cases. Closes #10379 [brynary]
Fix that validates_acceptance_of still works for non-existent tables (useful for bootstrapping new databases). Closes #10474 [hasmanyjosh]
Ensure that the :uniq option for has_many :through associations retains the order. #10463 [remvee]
Base.exists? doesn’t rescue exceptions to avoid hiding SQL errors. #10458 [Michael Klishin]
Documentation: Active Record exceptions, destroy_all and delete_all. #10444, #10447 [Michael Klishin]
Active Resource
Added more specific exceptions for 400, 401, and 403 (all descending from ClientError so existing rescues will work) #10326 [trek]
Correct empty response handling. #10445 [seangeo]
Active Support
Ruby 1.9 compatibility. #1689, #10466, #10468 [Cheah Chu Yeow, Pratik Naik, Jeremy Kemper]
TimeZone#to_s uses UTC rather than GMT. #1689 [Cheah Chu Yeow]
Refactor of Hash#symbolize_keys! to use Hash#replace. Closes #10420 [ReinH]
Fix HashWithIndifferentAccess#to_options! so it doesn’t clear the options hash. Closes #10419 [ReinH]
Changed the default database from mysql to sqlite3, so now running “rails myapp” will have a config/database.yml that’s setup for SQLite3 (which in OS X Leopard is installed by default, so is the gem, so everything Just Works with no database configuration at all). To get a Rails application preconfigured for MySQL, just run “rails -d mysql myapp” [DHH]
Turned on ActionView::Base.cache_template_loading by default in config/environments/production.rb to prevent file system stat calls for every template loading to see if it changed (this means that you have to restart the application to see template changes in production mode) [DHH]
Introduce `rake secret` to output a crytographically secure secret key for use with cookie sessions #10363 [revans]
Fixed that local database creation should consider local #9026 [parcelbrat]
Fixed that functional tests generated for scaffolds should use fixture calls instead of hard-coded IDs #10435 [boone]
Added db:migrate:redo and db:migrate:reset for rerunning existing migrations #10431, #10432 [matt]
RAILS_GEM_VERSION may be double-quoted also. #10443 [James Cox]
Update rails:freeze:gems to work with RubyGems 0.9.5. [Jeremy Kemper]
Die Originalnachricht findet ihr unter: http://weblog.rubyonrails.com/2007/12/17/rails-2-0-2-some-new-defaults-and-a-few-fixes