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[html] <%= textilize(coderay(@article.content)) %> [/html]

[ruby] # config/environment.rb config.gem “coderay” config.gem “RedCloth”

# application_helper.rb def coderay(text) text.gsub(/<code( lang=”(.+?)”)?>(.+?)/m) do content_tag(“notextile”, CodeRay.scan($3, $2).div(:css => :class)) end end

# syntax_benchmark.rb require “rubygems” require “benchmark” require “coderay” require “uv”

path = __FILE__ content = File.read(__FILE__)

# run it once to initialize CodeRay.scan(“print ‘hello’”, “ruby”).div(:css => :class) Uv.parse(“print ‘test’”, “xhtml”, “ruby”, true, “amy”)

Benchmark.bm(11) do |b| b.report(“coderay”) do 50.times { CodeRay.scan(content, “ruby”).div(:css => :class) } end b.report(“ultraviolet”) do 50.times { Uv.parse(content, “xhtml”, “ruby”, true, “amy”) } end

b.report(“pygments”) do 50.times { `pygmentize -f html ”#{path}”` } end end [/ruby]

[css] .CodeRay { background-color: #232323; border: 1px solid black; font-family: ‘Courier New’, ‘Terminal’, monospace; color: #E6E0DB; padding: 3px 5px; overflow: auto; font-size: 12px; margin: 12px 0; } .CodeRay pre { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; }

.CodeRay .an { color:#E7BE69 } /* html attribute */ .CodeRay .c { color:#BC9358; font-style: italic; } /* comment */ .CodeRay .ch { color:#509E4F } /* escaped character */ .CodeRay .cl { color:#FFF } /* class */ .CodeRay .co { color:#FFF } /* constant */ .CodeRay .fl { color:#A4C260 } /* float */ .CodeRay .fu { color:#FFC56D } /* function */ .CodeRay .gv { color:#D0CFFE } /* global variable */ .CodeRay .i { color:#A4C260 } /* integer */ .CodeRay .il { background:#151515 } /* inline code */ .CodeRay .iv { color:#D0CFFE } /* instance variable */ .CodeRay .pp { color:#E7BE69 } /* doctype */ .CodeRay .r { color:#CB7832 } /* keyword */ .CodeRay .rx { color:#A4C260 } /* regex */ .CodeRay .s { color:#A4C260 } /* string */ .CodeRay .sy { color:#6C9CBD } /* symbol */ .CodeRay .ta { color:#E7BE69 } /* html tag */ .CodeRay .pc { color:#6C9CBD } /* boolean */ [/css]

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