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Rails Magazine Version 4
Dies ist der Inhalt dieser Ausgabe: A Word From the Editor by Olimpiu Metiu Background Processing with Delayed_Job by James Harrison Generating PDF with ODF templates by Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas Interview with Yehuda Katz by Yehuda Katz and Rupak Ganguly Interview with David Heinemeier Hansson by Mark Coates Feel the Radiance with Radiant CMS by Saurabh Bhatia Interview with Thomas Enebo by Thomas Enebo and Rupak Ganguly Oracle Tips and Tricks by Greg Donald Ruby Kaigi Rails Magazine Exclusive Coverage by Khaled al Habache RubyKaigi 2009 Roundup by Ehab El-Badry Interview with Matz by Yukihiro Matsumoto and Muhammad Ali Interview with Koichi Sasada by Koichi Sasada and Muhammad Ali
Die aktuelle Ausgabe findet ihr uner folgender URL: http://railsmagazine.com/issues/4